Hydrogen Carbon Cleaning Fleet Program

Through our Proprietary Cleaning Process, we optimize engine performance to save money and extend life.

HHO Carbon Clean Systems For Fleets

Are vehicle down-times and expensive repairs causing your company problems?


Let us help prevent problems in the combustion chambers, turbos, DPF’s, exhaust ports, catalytic converters, sensors, inlet valves, fuel injectors and fuel pressure regulators through our proven fleet maintenance program. 

An engine with excessive carbon buildup is the biggest threat to fleet performance. Let HHO Carbon Clean Systems be a part of your Preventative Maintenance Schedule and let us help solve your carbon cleaning needs.  Being proactive will save your company thousands in repairs. The results will be less DPF cleaning and replacing on diesel engines and restored fuel mileage and performance on gasoline engines all while lowering emissions and helping the environment.  

If your fleet has excessive idling, short trips, lots of start/stops, slow driving, then your engine has more carbon buildup than others.  Internal exhaust temps never raise high enough for a proper regeneration of the Diesel exhaust filter. This is where we come in, with the proper maintenance program we can keep your engine free of carbon buildup and keep the engine working properly.

Join Our Fleet Tracking Program

HHO Fleet Tracking Program aims to reproduce the increased fuel economy, reduced maintenance cost, and decreased downtime results that have been recorded across the rest of the World.  Participants in the program are asked to track these three data points in exchange for hydrogen carbon cleaning on part or all of their fleet.  Participants can expect to see the following results when hydrogen carbon cleaning is added to the Preventative Maintenance Schedule:


9% Increase In Fuel Economy


12% Decrease In Cost of Repairs


8% Reduction In Downtime

These benefits can be gained for nothing more than the reports generated on modern fleet management software.  If you are interested in joining the HHO Fleet Tracking Program, click the link below and call, email, or send a message today!

Keep Your Fleet Running By Preventing These Issues..

Engine Carbon Cleaning fleet program



Engine Carbon Cleaning fleet program


Engine Carbon Cleaning fleet program


Proven Results & Testimonials

Contact Us


3060 John Puryear Dr
Paducah, KY 42003


(800) 278-6343



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